Tag: Daniel Dennett
RNA as Cells’ “Text Messaging” System
Some researchers wonder if RNA can be understood as a common language that can be read among cells of widely different life forms.
Scientists Ask: Does the Soul Survive Death?
Gradually, medical findings about what happens to the mind around the time of death are undermining assumptions that the soul dies with the body.
Not with a Bang: How the New Atheism Fizzled
It didn’t help that Hitchens and Dennett are deceased. But what’s significant is that they were not replaced.
Decade-Long Study of Water Fleas Found No Evidence of Darwinian Evolution
After many generations, water fleas showed no evidence of changing genetically to adapt to their environment, as the theory would predict.
What Ever Happened to Darwin’s Big Book?
Why didn’t Darwin publish the evidence for his momentous theory? And why was his thesis hailed as one of the greatest ideas in science despite that fact?