Tag: Darwin on Trial
How I “Discovered” Alfred Russel Wallace
I certainly wouldn’t have recognized his full significance if I had not already been introduced to ID by reading Johnson, Behe, and Dembski.
PBS, Darwin, and Dover: An Interview with Phillip Johnson
Johnson was one of the only intelligent design proponents interviewed for and included in PBS’s science series NOVA in an episode about the Dover case.
Stephen Meyer on Phillip Johnson’s Courage
“There are many many many people who have come to the water’s edge, who have seen the problems with Darwinian evolution, have counted the cost, and recoiled.”
Charles Marshall: Origin of Life Could Have Happened “Millions of Times”
Charles Marshall at U.C. Berkeley represents establishment opinion in current evolutionary theory, and for good reason.
Free Speech for Richard Dawkins? Absolutely!
In 1987, a harmless graduate student who wanted to take on the dreadful giant neo-Darwinism might be an entertaining spectacle.