Tag: Darwinian theory
Scott Turner’s Darwin-Skeptical Purpose and Desire Wins Praise from the New York Times
A “notable” addition to the Darwin literature, a “good read and a strong pitch” – agreed, though we’d go further. If Turner is right, his argument would change everything.
“Convergent Evolution Is Even More Improbable than Evolution Itself”
Lee Spetner says of convergent evolution that it explains nothing but is simply a case of “giving a name to our ignorance.”
Evolution’s Online Mob
Megan McArdle, reflecting on the James Damore story that’s already receding from memory, points out that “We Live in Fear of the Online Mobs.”
Evolutionist: Free Speech for Me, Not for Thee, Certainly Not for ID
We love evolutionist Jerry Coyne in part because unlike more wary Darwinists, he blunders into contradictions all the time that expose the inconsistencies in his view of the world.
In Science Education, Academic Freedom Makes Progress Across America
Sarah Chaffee spoke to AF proponents in Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas.