Tag: debate
Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor: Humans Have Free Will
Dr. Egnor explains why the argument against free will is self-refuting and why he’s concluded that determinism as a theory in physics is dead.
The Challenge from Jason Rosenhouse
“The response would be a lot chillier if they tried the same arguments in front of audiences with the relevant expertise.” Is that so?
Debate: “Is Intelligent Design Advancing?”
You can watch the premiere of the debate between Casey Luskin and Adam Shapiro on Friday, March 25, at 11 am Pacific time.
Theists vs. Atheists: Who Has the Burden of Proof?
Because Dillahunty refuses to debate me again, I’ll address his claim that atheists have no burden of proof in the debate over God’s existence in this post.
Hank Green: Evolution “Is a Thing, Not a Debate” — Science Uprising on Fossils Shows Otherwise
You may wonder about the guy who delivers the smug assurance about fossils and evolution. Who is he?