Tag: Dickinsonia
Fossil Friday: The Vindhyan Controversy and Debunking Alleged Ediacaran and Cambrian Fossils
The fancy speculations about the evolution of multicellular life and early animals turned out to be just smoke and mirrors.
Fossil Friday: New Study Challenges the Artifact Hypothesis
It is time for Darwinists to stop their science denial and face the fact that empirical data consistently contradict core predictions of their theory.
Taphonomy Study Shortens Fuse for the Cambrian Explosion
The “molecular clock” must be wrong, a study concludes. Cambrian animal ancestors are not there in the fossil record as hoped.
Fossil Friday: Alleged Precambrian Fossil Unmasked as Rotten Beehive
The scientists revisited the site and discovered that the assumed Ediacaran fossils are neither of Ediacaran age nor represent fossils at all.
Let’s Help “Professor Dave” Understand the Precambrian
We have much to teach the non-professor, and I trust that he is grateful for the education being rendered to him here.