Tag: Dickinsonia
Darwinism as Pantheism or Vitalism
That evolutionary scientists are materialists seems to be belied by the way some of them write.
“Ice Cube” Study of Ediacaran Fossils Is Junk Science
The authors discuss the mode of preservation of Ediacaran fossils, and they document taphonomical laboratory experiments.
#6 of Our Top Stories of 2018: Dickinsonia Probably Not an Ediacaran Animal
So, do high levels of cholesterol biomarkers really suggest an animal affinity of Dickinsonia?
Why Dickinsonia Was Most Probably Not an Ediacaran Animal
So, do high levels of cholesterol biomarkers really suggest an animal affinity of Dickinsonia?
Cambrian Explosion Blues
Here’s a sampling of the latest speculations about the Cambrian explosion.