Tag: disabilities
Darwinian Death: Euthanasia Meets Eugenics
One powerful influence on the early euthanasia movement was eugenics ideology, which emerged first in the 1860s under the leadership of Francis Galton.
Life Devalued: Suicide and Infanticide in Classical Antiquity
Nick Vujicic’s story would probably have turned out quite differently if he had been born in ancient Greece or Rome.
Euthanasia Is Fifth-Leading Cause of Death in Canada
Good grief, our closest cultural cousins are jumping into the abyss with a smile on their collective face.
Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die
Come on, Granny! Time to swallow the pills. We need your money to send Junior to college.
Self-Starvation to Qualify for Assisted Suicide
Once again, the assisted-suicide movement shows itself to be public-policy promise breakers of the most egregious kind and raw zealots for the death agenda.