Tag: diversity
How Evolutionary Fitness Landscapes Bolster Design Arguments
Imagine a large area with gentle rolling hills and valleys, or perhaps a rugged terrain complete with steep mountains and impassible gullies.
Slouching Toward Totalitarianism — How to Fight Science Censorship
Scientific censorship is on the rise. Governments are colluding with Big Tech to suppress unfavorable ideas
“Irreducible Complexity” in the News
In a loose sense, America may be “irreducibly complex” but NPR sure is not. And “diverse”? America is, but NPR certainly isn’t.
Healthy Debate? No Thanks, Says National Association of Biology Teachers
One way mainstream science seeks to stifle opposition is by simply refusing to discuss or debate opposing views.
Physics and Chemistry Could Not Give Rise to Biology
The laws of nature provide stable conditions and physical boundaries within which biological outcomes are possible.