Tag: doctors
Now Another State Wants Non–Physician-Assisted Suicide
Hot on the heels of Washington State, it’s Hawaii. A bill has been filed to allow nurse practitioners to lethally prescribe.
Preview: James Tour, Brian Miller on the Origin of “Data Risk Management” in DNA
If computer scientists build systems like that, and life at the DNA level also incorporates them, for the very same reasons, that’s rather suggestive.
Darwinism Would Fare Poorly Against Pandemics
When combatting disease-causing pathogens, we don’t use the idea that Darwinian evolution is of unlimited creativity. Just the opposite!
Tonight on Coast to Coast AM, Geoffrey Simmons on “Evolution & Intelligent Design”
Coast to Coast airs live from 10 pm to 2 am Pacific time. Geoff will be on the second half of the program, so he will be staying up late.
Doctor’s Diary: Jack of All Trades
Changes in the world of medicine strongly show that a master architect has been at work.