Tag: dog breeds
Fact Check: Hawaiian Silverswords Fail the Species Pair Challenge
Even though the differences appear superficially striking, they do not involve any novel body plans (i.e., no new proteins, new tissues, or new organs).
Nearly All of Evolution Is Best Explained by Engineering
Transposable elements modify gene regulation in maize to confer drought tolerance, alter flowering time, and enable plants to grow in toxic aluminum soils.
Michael Medved Talks with Michael Behe About “Mere Evolution”
Insofar as we can track evolution as it has happened, e.g. in dog breeds, it consists overwhelming of breaking genes, the degradation of biological information.
Galápagos Finches — A Paradigm of the Limits of Natural Selection?
They are not, per the National Academy of Sciences, a “particularly convincing example for speciation.”
Judge Michael Behe’s Case for Intelligent Design Yourself
“Darwin’s mechanism is dominated by ‘Poison-Pill’ mutations: positively-selected, loss-of-function mutation.” It “squanders genetic information for short-term gain.”