Tag: E. O. Wilson
Why Are We Drawn to Beauty?
While I love Haidt’s emphasis and regard for the beautiful, I question the power of his argument about beauty as a remnant of our collective survival instinct.
Understanding the Limits of Scientism
The great impasse in empirical science was reached early in the 20th century when quantum mechanics was first being developed.
Yes, Ants Think — Like Computers
Computer programmers have adapted some ant problem-solving methods to software programs (but without the need for complex chemical scents).
Do Darwin Critics Reject Evolution Because They’re Anti-Communists? Carl Weinberg Says Yes
In a couple of cases, Weinberg goes beyond the pale, making accusations that are bizarre and even slanderous.
“Woke” Comes Back to Bite the Darwinists
Darwinist Jerry Coyne has been at the forefront of efforts over the past couple of decades to censor advocates of intelligent design.