Tag: earth
Metaxas: A “Media Blackout” on the “Miracle of the Universe”
You are more likely to hear proponents of intelligent design being chastised even by media that ought to know better.
“Ecocide” Would Criminalize Resource Development
Note that “peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants” is a very broad term that is not limited to human beings. Rather, it includes everything from grass, fish, and insects, to mice, snakes, and people.
Science Historian Michael Keas on the Copernican Promotion
Myth-makers like Neil deGrasse Tyson think they have a superior source of human significance to substitute for the outdated, “childish” Judeo-Christian one
Vindicated by Behe: Devolution Is Natural, Evolution Is Not
You do not need to study mutations for thirty years to predict that bombarding plant chromosomes with radiation will not lead to major agricultural advances.
On the 15th Anniversary of The Privileged Planet: An Update
The basic thesis of TPP is that the best places for intelligent observers are also the best places for observing.