Tag: empirical science
Why Should a Baby Live?
My title is adapted from a 2012 article by two philosophers, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva.
The Mystery of Evolution May Be Unsolvable — By Materialist Science
Seventy years later we are still not close to explaining the origin and development of life in terms of entirely natural (unintelligent) causes.
Understanding the Limits of Scientism
The great impasse in empirical science was reached early in the 20th century when quantum mechanics was first being developed.
New Course on Evolution Challenges Group-Think with Scientific Skepticism
Consider spending the time — 40 lessons with accompanying quizzes to check your progress — to weigh the evidence for yourself.
Did Nathan Lents Refute Design?
Today our knowledge of the eye’s design is far more detailed. Particularly striking are the incredible mechanisms at the molecular level.