Tag: employment
Blessed Are the Peacemakers, for They Shall Be Called Bioethicists
Can you see it? Putin calling the Hastings Center and asking for a bioethics consultation before invading Ukraine.
Aliens in the Garbage
Some people — whether they would put it in so many words or not — believe that certain types of answers are simply off-limits in a scientific inquiry.
Funny and Thoughtful Intelligent Design-Themed T-shirts? We’ve Got Them!
If you are in a vulnerable employment situation, please enjoy these shirts only in the privacy of your own home.
When They Come for You — Some Helpful Tips
This strategy could be effective in dealing with the Darwinian totalitarians. Woke thugs, like Darwinist thugs, abhor having to explain themselves.
Mission: To Eviscerate Freedom of Religion
The only real difference between Robyn Pennacchia and me is that I believe in the entirety of the First Amendment and she does not.