Tag: English
The DNA Code Takes My Breath Away; Here’s Why
These examples may seem trivial, as if they were just “the way things are,” not proving anything. But this is not so.
Why AlphaFold Has Not Solved the Protein-Folding Problem
The online database AlphaFold represents an amazing breakthrough by any measure of the word “breakthrough.”
Wesley Smith Talks with Dean Koontz: Human Exceptionalism, Meaning in Life, and More
Dean and Wesley discuss how Dean came to be an author, the importance of human exceptionalism, and the problem with transhumanism.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Seeing Patterns in Biology Is Like Seeing Dragons in the Clouds
Since the flagellum gets so overused in the debate between ID and Darwinism, let’s change the system. Consider the leaf hopper.
Can Artificial Intelligence Be Creative?
Lady Ada Lovelace (1815–1852), daughter of the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron, was the first computer programmer.