Tag: environmentalism
When “Science” Becomes a Cult
The problem comes when, in order to win our acceptance, double-talk is used to pretend that a cult is something other than what it is.
Push to Replace Earth Day with “Nature Rights”
The activists are right about one thing. Rights of nature would be far more effective in impeding development and extracting wealth from the land than the current system.
Slate on Evolution’s “Third Way”: The Sound of a Glacier Melting
I’m interested in “science as a cultural domain,” too. And here’s a great illustration of how the culture changes.
Leveraging Environmentalism to Impose “Hegemonic” Marxism
Environmentalism is growing increasingly anti-capitalist and anti-human.
The Earth: It’s Alive! It’s Alive!
Even James Lovelock, who created Gaia Theory, now worries that environmentalism has become a religion.