Tag: Eumetazoa
“Lying on the Internet”? Debunking Dave Farina on Stephen Meyer
A lot of nonsense gets published in peer-reviewed journals and it needs expertise to separate the wheat from the chaff. Farina lacks any expertise to do this.
Did the Origin of Animals Require New Genes?
Materialists who purport to explain the origin of nature’s complexity by smuggling in information unwittingly demonstrate the need for intelligent design.
Was Kimberella a Precambrian Mollusk?
If identified as an animal, it would “predate the Cambrian explosion of bilaterian animal phyla as a kind of ‘advance guard.’”
#7 of Our Top Stories of 2018: Thousands of New Genes Needed for the Origin of Animals
This is nothing short of a spectacular vindication of Stephen Meyer’s perspective in Darwin’s Doubt.
Groundbreaking Paper Shows Thousands of New Genes Needed for the Origin of Animals
This is nothing short of a spectacular vindication of Stephen Meyer’s perspective in Darwin’s Doubt.