Tag: Europe
No. 3 Story of 2024: Richard Dawkins the New Cultural Christian
What Richard Dawkins seems not to have realized — or perhaps now is realizing too late — is that scientific materialism is the suicide of reason.
Learning to Love Industrial Farming
“Old MacDonald-style farms where soil is nurtured with love and animals have names rather than numbers may sound environmentally friendly.”
Natural Selection: The God that Failed
The god-of-the-gaps objection does have some merit to it, but it does not rule out ID. The progress of science has dethroned a multitude of false gods.
Francis Collins Employs Climate Change as a Cudgel
Collins identifies as a Christian, but he seems to have missed a glaring instance of design in the Earth system.
Postcard from Venice: First Pan-European Conference on Intelligent Design
Recently I had the great privilege and honor to attend a remarkable event in the beautiful and historic city of Venice, Italy.