Tag: Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven
Stephen Meyer Asks: What Is Intelligent Design?
Follow the science! It demonstrates that the digitally encoded information in DNA, like all such information, could have arisen from only one source.
Stephen Meyer Asks: Aliens, the Multiverse, or God?
Resisting the evidence of cosmic and biological design, some atheist scientists have retreated to desperate rationalizations.
Stephen Meyer Asks: How Did the Universe Begin?
Some scientists, including Albert Einstein, fought hard against the idea of a Big Bang — that the universe burst into existence a finite time ago.
Stephen Meyer Asks: Are Religion and Science in Conflict?
Atheist thinkers insist there can be no peace between a scientific understanding of reality, and religious one.
Five New Videos with Stephen Meyer on PragerU — Our Impact Is About to Explode
This is a major advance for intelligent design. Congratulations to Dr. Meyer, to PragerU, and thank you to our supporters for making all that we do possible.