Tag: families
Why Scientific Materialism Is No Match for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
These abstract concepts don’t derive from the material world, yet we feel impoverished without them; they’re foundations of a life worth living.
The Meaning of the Image of God
In the ancient world, it was rulers and emperors who were sometimes said to be “the image of God.”
Roger Olsen: The Mystery of Life’s Origin on the Early Earth
As an environmental scientist, Dr. Olsen has spent his career helping homes and families abroad protect children from the ravages of environmental pollution.
To Ask “Where Is God in This Pandemic?” Is to Acknowledge that God Exists
The problem of theodicy is real, of course. We don’t always know or understand God’s ways.
A Gift for Your Family: Dallas Conference, January 25, Offers an Inoculation Against “Scientists Say”
Many families have watched helplessly as the culture worked on our children, of a range of ages. The effects can be devastating.