Tag: Films and Video
Irreducible Complexity and the Evolutionary Literature: A Response to Critics
Following the publication of Darwin’s Black Box, web-savvy fans of natural selection set up extensive, sophisticated sites to dispute the book.
New Companion Website Tells the Rest of Intelligent Design’s Revolutionary Story
You can start getting up to speed on the ID revolution now — past, present, and future. And yes, the past matters.
Twenty Years of “Revolutionary” Machines: The Case of ATP Synthase
It’s another rotary engine but smaller than the flagellum. And instead of powering bacteria, it powers you.
High Tech, Low Life — The Amazing Flagellum
Compare the flagellum with top Olympic swimmers, with a goldfish, and a sailfish.
You’ve Come a Long Way, Behe
Critiques and challenges to Darwin’s Black Box are in the yard waste bin of biology.