Tag: finch beaks
How Evolutionary Fitness Landscapes Bolster Design Arguments
Imagine a large area with gentle rolling hills and valleys, or perhaps a rugged terrain complete with steep mountains and impassible gullies.
Jay Richards on Babel, Berlinski, and “Science After Darwin”
Something really came undone in the Covid era. Now, the phrase “science says” or “doctors say” prompts a smirk from about half the population.
Is Adaptation Actually a Fight to Stay the Same?
Charles Darwin pointed to small changes like finch beak size and peppered moth color as visible evidence of an unguided evolutionary process at work.
Engineers Crash the Evolution Party, Rethink Biological Variation
Miller and Luskin discuss fruit flies, finch beaks, stickleback fish, mutational hotspots, phenotypic plasticity, and the gravity well model.
On the “Sisyphean Evolution of Darwin’s Finches”
Scientific data are followed by the myth: “Finch beak morphology observed on the Galápagos Islands was used by Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution.”