Tag: Finding Darwin’s God
Attempts to Reconcile Evolutionary Theory with Christianity Lead to Intractable Tensions
The fundamental premise of evolutionary theory is that humans are the product of an undirected process that did not have us in mind.
Francis Collins: A Methodological Materialist When He Feels Like It
Imagine a boy who tells a girl he could climb to Jupiter because a natural ladder stretches from our planet to it.
What’s at Stake in the Debate over Darwinism?
We know that Darwinian evolution has a long and sordid history of entanglement with issues of race, racism, and eugenics.
Train Wreck of a Review: A Response to Lenski et al. in Science
Richard Lenski has spent decades overseeing the most extensive, most acclaimed laboratory evolution experiment conducted to date.
Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Expand Students’ Intellectual Horizons
A primary reason why many biologists never question the standard evolutionary model is their very limited training in mathematics.