Tag: Fire-Maker
Royal Wedding Sermon Goes Fire-Maker
Did Rev. Curry read Michael Denton? Maybe not, but it sure sounds like it.
Christmas Shopping? We’ve Got You Covered!
Christmas season is upon us, and there’s no need to procrastinate on the Christmas lists. Who are you shopping for this year?
ID’s Top Six — The Origin of Humans
There are many aspects of humanity that point to intelligent design.
Water, Ultimate Giver of Life, Points to Intelligent Design
Fire and water — could there be a more iconic dual symbol of the way our world, or its designer, saw us coming and carefully prepared the way?
Scott Turner on Biology’s Hobson’s Choice – Time Running Out on Pre-publication Deal!
“The phrase is said to have originated with Thomas Hobson (1544–1631), who offered customers the choice of either taking the horse in his stall nearest to the door or taking none at all.”