Tag: first cell
An Origin-of-Life Poser: No Short Cut to Energy-Harnessing
What about reports of a radiotrophic fungus near the Chernobyl nuclear accident that can feed off radiation?
Origin of Life: The Problem of Cell Membranes
Wow, the new Long Story Short video is out now, and I think it’s the best one yet — it’s amazingly clear and quite funny.
Taking Leave of Darwin’s Warm Little Pond
Neil Thomas explores some of the cultural influences that primed society to view the leap from non-life to life as easily made.
New Episode of “Long Story” Tackles the Origin of Life — Live Premiere on August 17
According to a bedtime story popular with materialists, unguided forces alone can explain the coming into existence of the very first cell.
More on James Tour’s Abiogenesis YouTube Series
Brian Miller discusses the Levinthal paradox of the interactome, the long odds of blind processes assembling the first cell, and the challenge of cell death.