Tag: foraging
Can Algorithms Designed by Humans Catch Up with the Genius of Biological Systems?
While humans invented algorithms only within the last century, enabling the development of AI, animals exhibit behavioral algorithms that long predate humans.
Ant Navigation Fascinates Engineers
Eric Cassell asks, “How did these complex programmed behaviors originate?” The question deserves a better answer than, “They evolved.”
Irreducible Complexity in Ant Behavior Triggers a Recognition of Intelligent Design
Recent research draws an unapologetic parallel between human engineering and biological systems.
Yes, Ants Think — Like Computers
Computer programmers have adapted some ant problem-solving methods to software programs (but without the need for complex chemical scents).
Animal Algorithms: Ant Foraging Is a “Rational” Behavior
Of course, ants and other animals do not make decisions in a “conscious” manner as humans would. Instead they rely on algorithms.