Tag: fossil record
Why Intelligent Design Best Explains the Fossil Record Data
The fossil record is consistent with the engineering-based theory of bounded adaptation
Fossil Friday: Alleged Precambrian Fossil Unmasked as Rotten Beehive
The scientists revisited the site and discovered that the assumed Ediacaran fossils are neither of Ediacaran age nor represent fossils at all.
Fossil Friday: Homo rudolfensis, Another Contentious Homo
Considering the checkered history of grandiose claims and controversies in paleoanthropology, some caution may be wise.
Fossil Friday: To Be or Not to Be Homo
The fossil hominin Homo habilis was described 1964 by Louis Leakey and his colleagues from the 1.9 million year old Olduvai Gorge locality in Tanzania.
Faith, Science, and Secularization — An Illuminating Conference in Poland
Similar to many others among the founders of modern science, Copernicus was a believer in God and clearly a proponent of intelligent design.