Tag: fossils
Fossil Friday: Are Ediacaran “Fishing Hooks” a Breakthrough Discovery of Precambrian Animals?
Let’s have a look at the newest edition of the Precambrian animal guessing game.
Casey Luskin: The Origin and Uniqueness of Humans
Survive. Reproduce. Repeat. Is that all we’re here for? Some people make this claim.
Fossil Friday: New Research on How Delicate Soft-Bodied Organisms Can Be Perfectly Preserved
All the just-so-stories of macroevolution are completely dispensable in real (experimental) biology.
Postcard from Santiago: Intelligent Design in Chile
Our class expanded to several hundred in our all-Saturday conference, as I was joined by Dr. Ricardo Bravo, a top Chilean oceanographer.
Stephen Meyer and Ben Shapiro on Intelligent Design
The pair discuss the different meanings of the word “evolution” before Meyer gets into one of Darwin’s biggest doubts.