Tag: Francis Bacon
Can Science Escape Faith-Based Beliefs? Maybe It Needs Them!
“There is no way to venture into the unknown without this guiding light, and that light comes from a source that is not completely known.”
Design in the Beauty of Water and Light
I remember well, one particularly cold winter, seeing Snoqualmie Falls in Washington State completely frozen throughout its 268-foot drop.
Sean Carroll: “How Could an Immaterial Mind Affect the Body?”
Aristotle noted that when we think carefully about natural causes we see that there are four distinct ways that causes can lead to effects in nature.
Natural Machinery Operates Without Intervention; But How?
We’re going to need a new philosophy: one that can handle realities the Elizabethans and Victorians could never have imagined.
John Bloom on the Match that Lit the Scientific Revolution
Babylonians and Greeks contributed some discoveries and insights that would eventually play into the rise of science.