Tag: French Revolution
Visitor’s Guide: At Nation’s Natural History Museum, Misinformation on Human Origins, and More
Mammalian fossil exhibits at the Smithsonian claim that humans and all mammals descended from the “first mammal,” perhaps Morganucodon.
Darwin, Wordsworth, and Natural Theology
I give here a short sample of just one of the passages in “Tintern Abbey” where Wordsworth reports undergoing what might be described as a moment of epiphany.
Erasmus Darwin and Credible Denial
Consideration of Erasmus Darwin’s writings suggests that his unbelief could well have been father to the thought in the matter of his evolutionary speculations.
Scott Turner Describes the Largely Forgotten History of Evolutionary Theory
The fatal flaw with metaphysical vitalism was that it invariably led to circular reasoning.
Why Intelligent Design Had to Be the First to Face the Guillotine
In Wesley J. Smith’s phrase, in the present cultural moment, we have witnessed “the French Revolution attacking the American Revolution.”