Tag: fungi
Plant Missile Technology: A Peek in the Armory
Ballistic missiles are common in plants and fungi. Take a look at how they launch their payloads.
ORFanID: An Online Search Engine for Identifying Orfan Genes
The existence of such genes is surprising given the hypothesis of universal common descent.
Information Spreads in the Atmospheric Highway
Genetic information gets around. In the troposphere — much higher above land than expected — bacteria and fungi hitch a ride to faraway places.
Scientist Discovers a Protist’s “Cellular Origami” — The First Known Case
You will probably not be surprised to hear that Dr. Prakash is an engineer as well as a biologist. This is predictable.
Some Biologists Take “Plant Minds” Seriously
What would surely puzzle other observers is the considerable current effort — at the same time — to portray human intelligence as some sort of illusion.