Tag: gene expression
Blind Cavefish: Evolutionary Icon, or an Example of Preprogrammed Adaptation?
There is another model that could explain the transformations of the cavefish. This model is called continuous environmental tracking and it is design-based.
Sophisticated Precision in Fruit Fly Sensory Systems
Pause before you swat. The sensory systems of fruit flies that let them discern their surroundings look as if they had been engineered.
Casey Luskin on Junk DNA’s “Kuhnian Paradigm Shift”
Intelligent design theorists have long argued against the idea that non-protein coding DNA is useless evolutionary junk.
Paper Digest: Standard Engineering Principles as a Predictive Framework for Biology
Human designing and building have resulted in lists of standard engineering principles which must be followed to produce efficient, robust systems.
Roundup of Functions for “Junk DNA” Supports the New RNA Gene Paradigm
The junk DNA paradigm may have caused us to miss the precise DNA that helps makes a species unique.