Tag: genetics
The Return of John Derbyshire
The thread of what the alt-right calls “Race Realism” has never been completely absent from Darwinian theorizing.
Razib Khan: A Geneticist and the Alt-Right
He canoodled with white supremacists, and now advises conservatives not to engage with Darwin skeptics.
Listen: Paul Nelson and Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig on Randomness in Natural Selection
As Lönnig points out, Richard Dawkins and others are at great pains to deny the connection. Why would that be?
No Triangulation as Michael Behe Headlines 2019 Westminster Conference
As I’m writing this I’ve been reacquainting myself with physicist Marcelo Gleiser, who just won the year’s prestigious, $1.5 million Templeton Prize.
Don’t Let Anti-GMO Fanatics Thwart Improved Photosynthesis Crops
It is flat-out unreasoning — and in my view, anti-human.