Tag: George Ellis
Physics and Chemistry Could Not Give Rise to Biology
The laws of nature provide stable conditions and physical boundaries within which biological outcomes are possible.
Nature Reflects an Intelligent Design — But Also a Moral One
Human beings must have freedom of choice if our actions are to have any meaning beyond the impersonal and predictable outcomes governed by the laws of physics.
Spider-Man, the Multiverse, and Intelligent Design
In the new Spider-Man movie, the multiverse not only makes an appearance but plays a crucial role in the plot.
Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder Challenges the Evidence for Cosmological Fine-Tuning
Hossenfelder’s strongest argument is that many fine-tuning parameters cannot in fact be quantified.
On Fantasy in Modern Science
An attribute of a good sci-fi story is that it should open new vistas for the imagination while, at the same time, not requiring the reader to put up with the preposterous.