Tag: George Gilder
An Evolutionary Guide to Paying on Dates
It must be hard for young daters to follow. It’s an even bigger challenge to square with Darwin’s theory.
Life After Google — Gilder’s Vision
It’s the quality of vision that’s most painfully lacking in our intellectual and moral leaders, not merely diverse or polymathic knowledge
Weikart Will Discuss Hitler’s Religion, Death of Humanity, on C-SPAN, Sunday Night
Discovery Institute’s Richard Weikart, George Gilder, and John West were speakers at last month’s FreedomFest at the Paris Resort in Las Vegas.
Gilder, Richards: Celebrating Two Important New Titles from Discovery Institute Authors!
“Creativity is not going to be rendered obsolete, but AI is going to transform our economy profoundly. And the inflection point is now.”
Congratulations to Bruce Chapman, “Godfather” of Intelligent Design
In his new book he discusses some of the overlooked virtues of politicians, and asks, in one chapter, “What Makes a Politician Good?”