Tag: Germany
Diatoms and the Mystery of Morphogenesis
From code to art: how does a linear set of instructions result in a beautifully crafted pattern? Diatoms do it, and scientists are struggling to figure out how.
Theory in Crisis? Circling the Wagons
Philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn compared scientific revolutions to political revolutions.
New Nobel Laureate, Svante Pääbo, on the “Politics” of Paleontology and Humans Origins
These are welcome and candid observations, refuting notions that human origins is a fully objective area of research.
Fossil Friday: Darwinius, or How Wishful Thinking Makes a Missing Link
The media campaign lead to headlines that were not content with calling the fossil a missing link but simply “THE link” or “the eighth wonder of the world.”
Fossil Friday: Rhenocystis and the Controversial Calcichordate Hypothesis
It looks a bit like a tadpole with body and tail, and this indeed points towards one of the great scientific controversies of the 20th century.