Tag: glycans
Long Story Short — A Strikingly Unnatural Property of Biopolymers
Scientists have been trying for decades to get monomers to link up into biopolymers under “prebiotically plausible conditions.”
Long Story Short — Did Purely Natural Processes Produce Biopolymers?
Science provides a clear expectation of what natural processes produce, and what we observe in the biopolymers of life is dramatically unexpected.
Life Exponential: Life Exhibits Intelligent Design at Many Levels
Complexity (such as we see in a pile of autumn leaves) can arise spontaneously from unguided natural processes, but complex specified information cannot.
National Association of Biology Teachers Versus the Ribosome
Theodosius Dobzhansky famously wrote in 1973 that “Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution.”
As Undeniable Debuts in Paperback, Frontiers in Biology Demonstrate Axe’s “Functional Coherence”
Three brand new avenues of scientific discovery appear to need nothing from Darwinism.