Tag: God Hypothesis
John West: Science’s Debt to Intelligent Design Is Not Just in the Past — But Today
The God hypothesis… Where have I heard that phrase, used by columnist Ross Douthat, before?
Meyer: Cambridge University’s Role in Advancing the Scientific God Hypothesis
Stephen Meyer was in Cambridge, England, and he gave an unusual “on the spot” presentation about Cambridge University itself.
Atheist on the Ropes: Piers Morgan Confronts Richard Dawkins About ID and Stephen Meyer
There’s something wonderful about watching Dawkins being compelled to watch Stephen Meyer and then being obliged to respond.
Jay Richards: The 1890s Were a Much Better Time to Be an Atheist
Yes, ideas of a multiverse are taken “extremely seriously.” And those are obviously intended to counter the theistic implications of the familiar cosmology.
Return of the God Hypothesis in Poland
Has the God hypothesis indeed returned? When Darwin presented his theory, it seemed that science had thoroughly confirmed a complete naturalistic paradigm.