Tag: Gregory P. Winter
#5 of Our Top Stories of 2018: It’s Not “Evolution” — A Nobel Prize for Engineering Enzymes
In effect, protein engineers are using the power of random change plus intelligent design to see what if anything will improve function.
The Nobel Prize and Intelligent Evolution
The contrast between the evolutionary sterility of Lenski’s unintelligent Darwinian evolution and the evolutionary potency of Arnold, Smith, and Winter’s intelligent evolution is striking.
Behe’s Irreducible Complexity Validated by Chemistry Nobel
Darwinist Jerry Coyne misunderstands design science. Intelligent design is two scientific inferences.
Intelligent Design Wins Another Nobel Prize
The design inference is obvious but often implicit, because explicit acknowledgement of design in biology carries with it substantial career risk.
It’s Not “Evolution” — A Nobel Prize for Engineering Enzymes
In effect, protein engineers are using the power of random change plus intelligent design to see what if anything will improve function.