Tag: GUT
Quorum Sensing: A Clever Trick by Microbes
Robot designers are learning tricks from bacteria: how to communicate with and respond to other unseen members of a swarm.
Hidden Service Animals: Earthworms Are Only the Beginning
Soil biodiversity is still a black box. Some scientists are beginning to explore the global underground that services the health of plants and animals.
Fossil Friday: Cloudina Still Lacks the Guts to Be a Worm
We intelligent design proponents make one successful prediction after another, while Darwinism’s track record of failed predictions grows ever longer.
Did Cloudinids Have the Guts to Be Worms?
I promised last year to follow up on more alleged Ediacaran animals. Now is a good moment to come back to this, with a new study having just been published in the journal Nature Communications.
Diarrhea and Design: A Response to Jerry Coyne
I respect Coyne’s position, but, lacking his faith, I interpret this evidence more naturally as pointing to an ingenious mind.