Tag: Haeckel’s embryos
Caught in Contradictions, PZ Myers Claims “Evolutionary Theory Predicts Differences as well as Similarities” (and Therefore Predicts Nothing) (Updated)
If PZ is correct that evolutionary biology predicts both similarities and differences among embryos, then evolutionary biology makes no predictions and is unfalsifiable regarding the similarities and differences in vertebrate development.
Haeckelian Recapitulation Is Not the Issue
PZ is correct that recapitulation theory has been discarded by modern evolutionary biologists, but Jonathan M. and other ID proponents aren’t talking about Haeckel’s theory.
Demystifying the Debate with PZ Myers Over Evolution and Embryology
Leading embryologists argue that vertebrate embryos develop so differently that the pharyngular stage may not exist.
How P.Z. Myers’ “Incendiary Rhetoric” and “Class-War Claptrap” Shocks His Fellow Evolutionists (Prelude to a Rebuttal)
Personal attacks from PZ Myers are so uncivil that they have earned criticism from mainstream academics and writers who are pro-evolution.
Haeckel’s Embryo Drawings Make Cameos in Proposed Texas Instructional Materials
One would have thought the outcry after Icons of Evolution would have been enough to send a message to textbook publishers to stop using these inaccurate drawings as evidence for evolution. But it wasn’t.