Tag: hair cells
The Sense of Hearing Is a Masterpiece of Engineering
It strains credulity to suppose that an unguided process of random variation sifted by natural selection could assemble such a delicately arranged system.
Balance: Bipeds Need It; Where Did It Come From?
“The calyx appeared,” says Dr. Rob Raphael. A more magical explanation could hardly be fabricated.
Lateral Line: A “Sixth Sense” for Fish (And Other Cool Tricks)
What’s remarkable is that this organ constitutes an analog-to-digital converter, as pressure waves (analog) are converted to electrical signals.
Hairy Matters for Evolution
Thin strands we call hair can give headaches to Darwinists. Here are some surprising stories about hair.
Carnival of the Animals Delights Scientists
The graceful, pulsating moon jellyfish move in “a very efficient way,” say biologists at the University of Bonn.