Tag: history
Logan Paul Gage: “Our Galileo Complex”
How did science, of all things, come to be a vehicle for virtue signaling, a virtual religion, with insiders and outsiders, the damned and the saved?
Thomas Reid — Recovering Another ID Ancestor
“There’s little doubt in my mind that Reid if he were alive today would be part of the intelligent design movement.”
Cancel Caribou? Another Questionable Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History
The role of science in justifying racism and eugenics is a subject that needs to be opened up wide, not decorously ignored any longer.
Weekend Reading: Heretics and Inquisitors
A heresy might be true or it might be false, but part of its attraction lies in offering a rallying cry against the smirk of the mighty.
Racism, Evolution, and Human Exceptionalism
Certain threads in the events of recent months suggest the hand of a skilled novelist.