Tag: history
Remembering Paul Johnson’s Assessment of Darwin
The reviewers that insist this work is “ludicrous,” a “smear,” or a “hatchet job” are wrong; it is none of these.
Louis Pasteur, in Memoriam
“There is a time in every man’s life when he looks to his God, when he looks at his life, when he wonders how he will be remembered.”
A Miraculous Existence
Zeeya Merali asks a good question: If God desired to send us a message, how would He do it?
Before the Third Reich: America’s Darwinist Eugenics Crusade
One of the most famous instances was Carrie Buck, sterilized as “feeble minded” despite going on to live a normal productive life.
John Derbyshire: A Useful Darwinian Racist
Darwinian evolution will never succeed in disentangling itself from racism because it must always have its “official subhuman.”