Tag: hominid fossils
Junk Science at Smithsonian’s Hall of Human Origins
As an institution, the Smithsonian is zealous for Darwinism.
Hominid Hype and Homo naledi: A Unique “Species” of Unclear Evolutionary Importance
So far, the find’s pathway reminds me of other hominin fossils whose “transitional” or “ancestral” status ultimately went belly up.
As a Taxonomic Group, "Homo habilis" Is Challenged in the Journal Science
Evolutionary biologists sometimes try to shoehorn un-human-like fossils into our human-like genus.
Newest "Human Ancestor" Apparently Composed Entirely of Teeth
The picture of human origins is murky, and the evolutionary account is not getting any clearer.
Were Paleoanthropologists Too Eager to Detect Design in Ancient “Stone Tools”?
Some critics of the theory of intelligent design complain that ID makes unwarranted design inferences.