Tag: hominins
Human Origins and the Beginning of Art
There is now evidence of something like artwork among several ancient human types, not just Neanderthals. Thus, an academic controversy has arisen.
Journal Rejects Claims that Homo naledi Buried Dead, Made Rock Art, Used Fire
Researchers, led by Lee Berger, had claimed in a Netflix documentary that the species buried its dead, used fire, used tools, and made rock art.
The Human Mind Has No History
There is no good reason to assume that human intelligence evolved from mud to mind via a long slow history.
Fossil Friday: Another Prediction Vindicated
The virtual ink for my article had hardly dried when a story about a new discovery hit the news.
Monkey-Made “Tools” Cast Doubt on High Intelligence in Early Hominids
Macaque monkeys from Lobi Bay, Thailand, have been observed “unintentionally” producing stone tools.