Tag: Homo
Fossil Friday: Homo rudolfensis, Another Contentious Homo
Considering the checkered history of grandiose claims and controversies in paleoanthropology, some caution may be wise.
The Positive Case for Intelligent Design in Paleontology
The dominant pattern in the fossil record is explosions of new biological forms. The Cambrian explosion is a prime example.
Eugenie Scott Gets Intelligent Design Backwards
This punctuated, even saltational increase in hominid skull sizes over time continues to be recognized in the literature.
Adam and the Genome and Neanderthal Cave Art
As if on cue, science news today reports a remarkable discovery from Spain.
Adam and the Genome and Hominid Fossils
Despite Dennis Venema’s statements to the contrary, there is no clear-cut lineage of fossils leading from ape-like hominids to modern humans.