Tag: honesty
Atheist Philosopher Explains Why Intelligent Design Is Not a “God of the Gaps” Argument
Despite our many disagreements, I sincerely appreciate Lowder’s spirit and intellectual honesty. I hope the next generation of secular thinkers follow his lead.
Mendel’s Peas and More: Inferring Data Falsification in Science
What keeps scientific fraud in check is our ability to detect it, and it’s the design inference that does the detecting.
Science Is Self-Correcting? Time for a Reality Check
In the wake of the Stanford scandal, the reasons why science often ISN’T self-correcting are attracting much more attention.
Is There a Boom in Research Dishonesty?
Or do some academics just feel sure they won’t get caught? Or that, if they do, it somehow doesn’t matter?
Awesome Recovery for Atheist Lawrence Krauss
Krauss of all people is now lecturing us about the importance of…decency, goodness, honesty, honor, and purity.