Tag: Hubert Yockey
Barbieri’s Dilemma: Biological Information without Intelligence
The problem is obvious: Information is by its nature immaterial. It is measured in bits, not kilograms or joules.
No, Intelligent Design Doesn’t Reason by Analogy; Here’s Why
We also see machines in living systems. That’s not to say that cells or living systems on the whole are “machines,” but they do contain machines.
Information and Life’s Origin — A Retrospective View
Unguided natural processes, according to the generalized Second Law, cannot systematically increase the information content of a closed system over time.
The Information Enigma: A Closer Look
I will flesh out the concept of biological information, and I will explain why significant quantities of it cannot be generated through natural processes.
Mystery of Life’s Origin — Intelligent Design’s Original Edition, Greatly Expanded, on Sale Now!
How does life emerge from that which is not alive? This mystery exercises a peculiar fascination, with the power to elicit remarkable feats of imagination.