Tag: human intelligence
Ecosystems — A Tribute to Intelligent Design, or to Chance and Adaptation?
Thinking about all the species of animals, birds, and fishes, it becomes apparent that each one requires a certain type of food, suitable for its anatomy.
Breaking Google Bard
The fundamental problem with these systems is Goedelian. Kurt Goedel showed that formal systems like this are unable to extract themselves from these systems.
The Non-Computable Human
An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions to accomplish a task. A recipe for German chocolate cake is an algorithm.
Missed Opportunity: Passing over Scientific Problems with Human Evolution
William Lane Craig’s rhetorical strategy is essentially to accept whatever mainstream evolutionary paleoanthropology says.
The Myth of “Deep Learning”
This is pathetic, and this is what is supposed to lay waste and supersede human intelligence?